Category Archives: DVNT News

Check out a VR experience from The Mill

The Mill had a great learning experience on doing there first cinematic style and quality VR experience. Check out “HELP” on Google Spotlight Stories at:

@ SIGGRAPH 2015!!

We have been attending many many talks and presentations regarding the advances in real-time rendering techniques, as well as how Hollywood is starting to leverage the real-time game technologies for post and VFX work. Word of the day, “Convergence” Funny, I have been saying this for the past 2 years 🙂

Personalized Training Feedback

DVNT recently received an email from David Brenninkmeyer, an artist in Europe that received personalized training from us several months ago, and we wanted to share his feedback about his training sessions with our creative specialist, William Vaughan. “William Vaughan’s one-on-one modeling workshop was the best training I’ve received. His passion and dedication for 3D modeling make him […]